December 11, 2002

Today I was thinking... artists who don’t enable their fans to get in touch with them don’t know what they’re missing out on.
I live on fan mail. It’s the most wonderful thing an artist can get in return for giving music.
It’s incredible how many nice people have written to me in the last couple of years actually.

I wish I could quote some here but that would in some cases really be giving out personal information.
To be honest, these e-mails (and my guestbook) have made me cry quite often. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I sound sentimental, but I don’t care. You can ask anyone who knows me, fan mail just moves me and so do the nice comments in my guestbook. (if only you knew just how much.... )

It’s just really … I can’t even find a suitable word for it. Like I said on my “thanks page”: all those people that send me nice e-mails and things like that, they’re the drive that keeps me going… And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Many times when I felt like I could go on anymore, all I had to do was check my e-mail to see that it wasn't all in vain, and that what I have done, what I did, and what I am doing does make a difference.

Thank YOU soooooo.... much. I will carry you in my heart forever.


Posted by Marsha at December 11, 2002 10:41 PM