What is it with thumbtacks lying around on the floor in my house.
This is the second time in less than a week that I stept in one!
This time it went all the way in my heel. The time before that i barely avoided stepping into one with the ball of my foot.
It's not that it hurts so much but it's not really what I call a pleasant feeling either way I try to look at it.
They don't even get sucked up by my vacuum cleaner even. They just get pushed around I guess. I don't know. I only cleaned the place yesterday!
Okay maybe the day before that, but still I didn't do anything involving thumbtacks in the meantime, so I really wouldn't expect seeing on lying around on the floor here you know. grrrr.
Figures... of course if there's one, just one lying around, I'll step in it. OF COURSE! Just my luck, huh? lol
Hope I stepped in all possible hidden thumbtacks now cuz I'm kind of getting tired of this, and my feet are tired of it too!!!