What's going for me this weekend?
Nothing much. Tonight I'm going to listen to Xfm online. A friend told me to listen to it tonight.
I'm not quite sure what to expect though, but I'm always open for suggestions so I'm anxiously waiting as to what will be on. The show I'm supposed to listen to starts at 8pm UK time. So that should be about now... the show should be starting about now I said... waiting... oh damn my streaming audio seems to have been interupted... hm. My computer is such a piece of crap.
I should get another one. Nothing wrong with the broadcast though it's my computer that can't really do more than one thing at a time obviously.
Anyway, that's it for what I'm doing tonight.
Then of course there is Saturday... this is still unsure... I'm likely to be visitting some friends in the early evening. After that I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do yet. Maybe I'll just go about my regular things like reading a bit in the book I started (again for the second time), or start writing a song. Don't know yet.
Sunday, as always, is the day I visit my mom, which is a car drive of over an hour, then spending quite some time there, then I'm driving home...
Needless to say that I'll only be home by the end of the day.
Maybe something interesting will happen though... who knows huh? ;)