December 25, 2002
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! santasmile
Best Wishes from me to all of you.
I hope Santa Claus brought you lots of gifts.
If you are spending or spent this Christmas day with family, I hope you enjoyed a nice dinner with lots of tasty things to eat.

My wish came true for this Christmas. (If you don't remember what i wished for, or you just didn't get to read that, you can check my entry of December 9th, titled "In The Mood".)

Anyway, I also bought myself a gift. I made sure I could look through a window and see a white Christmas. Wonder what I bought? lol???
Maybe check back tomorrow... lol ... I'll tell you what I bought then and I'll include a picture with it too. I'm still at my familly's at this time, which means I'm unable to take a picture of my gift for me.

Tomorrow I'll also tell you about my Christmas eve. It was a nice Christmas eve for the most part so, it will mostly be happy happy things in that entry.... yeah, it'll be a happy entry. I'm sure you'll enjoy getting to see again another part of my home. lol.
Right? well, either way, when you check back tomorrow there will be a nice picture here, showing you part of my home.
I always try to make the pics as small as possible in Kb so you don't have to wait like 15 minutes for it to download.

Soooo.... check back tomorrow and enjoy this Christmas day!!! :)


Posted by Marsha at December 25, 2002 10:10 PM