April 07, 2003
What Music can do...

Do you realize what music can do for people?
Just a little while ago, I visited my mother 'cuz I'd promised her I'd come around to brush the dogs.
While taking a break, I decided to watch some TV.
Dutch television was broadcasting a documentary about children who were either deaf or hard of hearing. That in itself is not really so very exceptional.
However, this particular broadcast showed how these kids were taken to their first real classical orchestra concert.
How peculiar, you might say, and indeed it is. It's incredible what this experience meant for these children and what it did for them too.

There was one boy who was allowed to play along with the orchestra. He was one of the timpanists. (it's like a big drum sort of for those who are unfamiliar with the instrument.) One girl, hard of hearing, and another that was deaf, also joined the orchestra for the show. Their job was to express the emotion within the music in their own personal way.
The one that was hard of hearing giving her interpretation by dancing to the music. The deaf girl was telling a story through sign language. (I assume that she interpreted it by looking at the other girl dance and by the gestures of the musicians or something, I'm not sure... I think I missed that part of the broadcast.) I might add that both girls and the boy did an excellent job.

There are no words to describe the joy, the shine this experience brought upon the audience of children, deaf and hard of hearing. Their eyes glowing with sunshine, and their hands speaking excitement.

I was amazed by the power music seemed to have. Till then I guess I was completely oblivious of the fact that music has the power to move even those that can't hear it or can't really hear it in all its beauty.

Anyway, I thought I'd tell you about this cuz I think it's an fantastic initiative.

I'll talk to you soon.



Posted by Marsha at April 07, 2003 11:11 PM