While driving on the highway yesterday, some sort of belt kind of thing, got slung from underneath my car. My first guess was, and still is 'cuz I didn't get it fixed yet, that it's the belt of the alternator (if that's what you call it in English that is).
Anyway, this alternator device is supposed to make sure that my battery doesn't die. I guess you could compare it a little bit with a dynamo on a bike or something. (how do I know all this? I just know. That's what you get when you drive a 13year old car for a couple of years. My previous car was a Ford Sierra 2300D built in 1983. You have no choice but to learn a thing here and there. Guess I got a bit of "car-smart" that way. lol) Ok, I looked alternator up in my Colins-Cobuild English dictionary, and it says: "Device used especially in a car, that creates an electrical current that changes direction as it flows."
So anyway this thing is supposed to feed my battery, the belt is gone, only electrical current out of my battery not into the battery. Which means I have to go everywhere by bike right now. Not that I mind riding a bike, but it's not really convenient to teach someone how to drive a car if your car is in a repair shop.
I still have to bring it in. I'll do that tomorrow... That is if my car still starts. Once the motor is running, the motor will keep running. It's only the starting that I need some flow from the battery for.
Oh well, this is getting to technical for a artist related journal, so I should just go now.
Maybe I'll write some more later.