August 15, 2003

Just got back from "MarktRock". It's a festival that practically takes place on my doorstep.
We, that is my sister, her partner, and myself, went to see Ozark Henry, K's Choice, and my sister wanted to see the Discobar Galaxie.

I'm absolutely impressed by K's Choice. They moved me to tears with every word they sang, and every note they played. That's how good it was.
That's what I would call a definite high-quality group of artists.
I'm glad and proud to say that K's Choice is originally a Belgian band. They were the best ones tonight if you ask me. Ozark Henry was good too, just not all of his songs have that same hit potential, as it was the case for K's Choice. Discobar Galaxie is just not really my thing I guess. I can understand how they entertain a crowd, they're good entertainers, but they're not creating any music of their own. That's where they kinda lost me in a way. They were just doing a dj set, and not a very good one I might add. I just seemed as if they're act was some sort of joke that kinda got out of hand or something. Like they never planned on becoming real performers, and they never will consider it as more than just a joke. I don't know. I'm not sure what they're intentions are, were. They entertained the crowd and I guess that IS the main purpose of a performing artist. So in that way they did succeed.

But every person on stage today has his/her very own style and it's always nice to see some new approach to things. Whether or not it's really your personal style/genre doesn't really matter, as an artist you can always and should always learn, no matter how big the gap between your personal style and the one your watching is.

But anyway I'm beat right now. I really need to get some sleep.
Tomorrow I'm likely to go and see Moloko performing in the city center. Should be great too right?

Right now I'm really too tired to write any more than all this.
I'll write about Moloko too if I go.

Talk to you tomorrow.


Posted by Marsha at August 15, 2003 03:15 AM
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