September 14, 2003
New Tracks

Ok, just so all of you know. I've got about 5 new tracks.
I hear you asking "Then where are they?!?!?"

I'm looking for people, a company if you will, to team up with in order to finally give all of my fans the next track.

Btw, all of the people that kept on mailing me things like "Are you working on new things?" "When will the next release be?" "When will you be performing again?" "Can't wait to hear your new work!!" ..... THANK YOU!!!

Now I know that when times get tough there are always people standing by me, believing in me, pushing me to persist and continue giving it my all cuz ... I KNOW IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT.

So anyone who's interested, or who knows anyone that can give a hand in getting these tracks out there to you faster .... just send me an e-mail.



Posted by Marsha at September 14, 2003 04:56 PM
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