November 25, 2003
Finally Fixed

Maybe I already told you about it, maybe I didn't. I don't really recall.
There was a crack in the windscreen of my car. It had been there since last winter I think.

I finally had it fixed now. After waiting since summer for a silly phone call from the garage to tell me that the windscreen was in, I decided to give them a ring myself. Apparently it had been there since June. Then why didn't they call me? Right? Well, doesn't really matter anymore now. It's fixed now.

I had to take my car there, skate back, and then when it was done I skated there and drove back home in my car. That's the disadvantage of living so far from my family I guess.
Quite a disadvantage I might add.
Fall isn't really the season of choice to skate, especially through this busy traffic that I had to skate through today. If it would have been a road with an acceptable surface for skating that would have been great. Unfortunately this wasn't the case.

Even the pedestrians part of the road was too bad to skate on, that is, if there was one!!!

Anyway, I'm gonna take a shower now, cuz I'm sweaty all over cuz of the "hellish" skate trip I just finished.
I'm tired.
I think I'm just gonna take a shower, make myself some hot chocolate and then bunk out in front of the tv.

Yeah that sounds like a plan doesn't it.

Just do nothing for once... if I can. I'm physically beat, so I can't do much around the house or on the computer anyway.

I'll write some more the day after tomorrow.

Take care everyone,

Posted by Marsha at November 25, 2003 07:16 PM

Just stopped by to say "Hi" Just for fun, I googled my name and found you. Please stop by my blog sometime and say hello.

Posted by: Marsha on November 27, 2003 03:35 PM
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