January 31, 2004
Steven's BD

Steven and me
Yesterday, one of my very good friends came around. It's his birthday on Sunday.

Anyway, I figured putting up a picture of him and me in the honor of this special day for him, would be a nice gesture, so

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVEN !!!

Every now and then, he sends me an text message asking me to give him a call or send him an sms to confirm that I'm "that" Marsha.
Oddly enough people don't always believe him when he tells about him and me being friends. When I think of the cause of this disbelieve, I can't help feeling a bit silly, though mildly flattered.

Well, Steven, this should clear all doubt, if needed. Next time it happens, just tell them to check out this entry in my journal.

Either way, I'm happy to be remembered in such a way. Kinda makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside... what I've done until now still matters... doesn't it?

Take Care Everyone!!!


Posted by Marsha at January 31, 2004 08:09 AM